
List of claims and objections for contractual appointment on various vacant posts under National Health Mission (Chhattisgarh), District Kabirdham

List of claims and objections for contractual appointment on various vacant posts under National Health Mission (Chhattisgarh), District Kabirdham
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List of claims and objections for contractual appointment on various vacant posts under National Health Mission (Chhattisgarh), District Kabirdham

List of claims and objections for contractual appointment on various vacant posts under National Health Mission (Chhattisgarh), District Kabirdham

19/12/2023 03/01/2024 View (135 KB) 2.Prapatr Dawapatti (165 KB) 2nd anm nhm (464 KB) aayush medical officer female (1 MB) aayush medical officer male (1 MB) ANM NUHM (769 KB) cleaner sncu (1,024 KB) Counsellor NHM (4 MB) counselor blood bank (868 KB) dental assistant (253 KB) Lab Assistant (4 MB) Lab technician – DPHL (2 MB) Nursing Officer ICU (3 MB) Nursing Officer NUHM (2 MB) Nursing Officer (3 MB) physiotherepist (678 KB) programme associate – PHN (436 KB) Psychologist clinical (872 KB) Senior Treatment Supervisor NTEP (425 KB) technical assistant audiometric nppcd (212 KB)