

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Publication of claim-objection for the post of Yoga Assistant (Male contract) under the Office of the District Ayurveda Officer, District Kabirdham

Publication of claim-objection for the post of Yoga Assistant (Male contract) under the Office of the District Ayurveda Officer, District Kabirdham

06/09/2023 15/09/2023 View (3 MB)
Advertisement for recruitment to the posts of Specialist Doctor under District Mineral Fund

Advertisement for recruitment to the posts of Specialist Doctor under District Mineral Fund

29/08/2023 13/09/2023 View (568 KB)
Publication of eligible-ineligible list for claim-objection for recruitment to Hindi and Sanskrit lecturer contractual posts for Swami Atmanand Government English Medium School, Chilfi and Pipariya

Publication of eligible-ineligible list for claim-objection  for recruitment to Hindi and Sanskrit lecturer contractual posts for Swami Atmanand Government English Medium School, Chilfi and Pipariya

28/08/2023 10/09/2023 View (484 KB) sages chilphi (2 MB) sages pipariya (2 MB)
For preliminary claim-objection on the posts of Rural Health Coordinator (Female), Pharmacist Grade-02, Dresser Grade-01, Dresser Grade-02 under the Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer District Kabirdham(C.G.)

For preliminary claim-objection on the posts of Rural Health Coordinator (Female), Pharmacist Grade-02, Dresser Grade-01, Dresser Grade-02 under the Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer District Kabirdham(C.G.)

31/08/2023 08/09/2023 View (118 KB) praroop (90 KB) ANM 01 (4 MB) Phaarmasist Grade 02 (2 MB) Dresser Grade 01 (877 KB) Dresser Grade 02 (2 MB)
Advertisement for recruitment to the vacant peon post under Office of the District Registrar Kabirdham (C.G.)

Advertisement for recruitment to the vacant peon post under Office of the District Registrar Kabirdham (C.G.)

25/07/2023 25/08/2023 View (2 MB)
Publication of provisional list and revised time table after disposal of claims and objections received for contractual recruitment in various Swami Atmanand Government English medium schools

Publication of provisional list and revised time table after disposal of claims and objections received for contractual recruitment in various Swami Atmanand Government English medium schools

06/07/2023 31/07/2023 View (377 KB) sages bodla (3 MB) sages chilphi (4 MB) sages kachharipara (5 MB) sages kawardha (3 MB) sages lohara (3 MB) sages pandariya (3 MB) sages pipariya (6 MB) sages pondi (4 MB)
Revised list of biology and chemistry subjects for written examination for contractual recruitment in Swami Atmanand Government English Medium School, Pipariya

Revised list of biology and chemistry subjects for written examination for contractual recruitment in Swami Atmanand Government English Medium School, Pipariya

07/07/2023 31/07/2023 View (301 KB) 070723 (1 MB)
Notice for publication and interview of provisional list after written examination for contractual recruitment in various Swami Atmanand Government English medium schools

Notice for publication and interview of provisional list after written examination for contractual recruitment in various Swami Atmanand Government English medium schools

11/07/2023 31/07/2023 View (522 KB) sages bodla (1 MB) sages chilphi (4 MB) sages kachharipara (1 MB) sages kwd (2 MB) sages lohara (1 MB) sages pandariya (404 KB) sages pipariya (5 MB) sages pondi (6 MB)
Notice of cancellation of walk in interview for IT worker in “Sakhi” One Stop Center

Notice of cancellation of walk in interview for IT worker in “Sakhi” One Stop Center

14/07/2023 31/07/2023 View (388 KB)
Publication of final provisional / selection list after interview for contractual recruitment in various Swami Atmanand English medium schools

Publication of final provisional / selection list after interview for contractual recruitment in various Swami Atmanand English medium schools

18/07/2023 31/07/2023 View (259 KB) sages bodla (1 MB) sages chilphi (2 MB) sages kachharipara (772 KB) sages kwd (664 KB) sages lohara (699 KB) sages pandariya (487 KB) sages pipariya (2 MB) sages pondi (2 MB)